Marketing Agency Services

Marketing Agency Services: Which Solutions Best Suit Your Business Goals?

As businesses grow, handling marketing activities become challenging! They may have an in-house advertising department or rely on marketing agency services to reach their audiences.

b2b direct mail marketing best practices

In-house advertising may seem like an excellent idea until

  • Your customers’ preferences change. 
  • Your competitors use trending technologies. 
  • It is difficult to determine which marketing firm services are most effective… 

Companies want to focus more on improving their product or service quality. Marketing themselves can help them get customers. But thinking of new ideas or keeping up with different technologies is distracting. 

Thus, they outsource advertising tasks to save time and money. This blog discusses how full-service agencies allow businesses to improve their brand image and boost sales. 

Let us dig in!

traditional vs automated direct mail

What Is a Full-Service Marketing Agency?

A full-service marketing firm assists companies in completing their branding, promotional, and reputation management activities.

Instead of contacting different vendors, businesses connect with full-service agencies to save effort, time, and money. Most firms provide a la carte or bundled marketing agency services at reasonable rates.

You may select your package based on your needs or ask the company to quote a custom plan.

Email, social media marketing, and Google ads are the most commonly-used marketing firm services for all industries. But they generate lower results than traditional channels like direct mail!

For instance, direct mail produces a response rate of up to 5%. It is higher than many online marketing channels because it is more targeted and personal!

Choosing a marketing agency service provider that understands what you need and offers relevant solutions is critical.

When selecting a full-service marketing agency, more factors to consider are

  • Can the services it offers help you get more customers?
  • Does the marketing firm align with your brand story?
  • Does it have expertise across offline and online advertising channels?
  • Is its customer service team responsive and helpful?
  • Can you enter into a long-term partnership with the agency?
  • Does it provide you with timely campaign performance reports?

Which Are the Best Marketing Agency Services to Offer Clients in 2023?

Companies have hundreds of marketing firm services to select from based on their needs and goals. It helps to learn which channels are trending and effective to connect with your intended audience.

But some marketing services produce exceptional results, making them a must-have for advertising and branding campaigns.

Here is a list of the top-performing services a full-service marketing agency offers

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  2. Direct mail marketing
  3. Web development
  4. Brand identity design
  5. Content marketing
  6. Email marketing
  7. Package design
  8. PPC
  9. Social media marketing
  10. Influencer marketing

Online marketing firm services allow you to expand your reach, but direct mail produces the most responses. It adds a personal touch to a company’s customer interactions, boosting acquisition and retention rates.

Businesses select an agency that uses specialized marketing platforms, HubSpot and Zapier. Also, they prefer firms that help them automate promotional campaigns to guarantee positive results.

For example, most of our clients in the marketing industry integrate our direct mail API into your CRM. It helps them link their client’s customer data with our helpful mailing features. Thus, they can use the best marketing agency service – direct mail, without investing in mailing equipment or making a manual effort.

Combining direct mail with other channels lets your business hit the leads jackpot. You can start by sending a custom postcard to your target prospects. Then, you may reinforce your message with an email or a sponsored social media ad.

These integrated marketing agency services enable your audience to remember your brand and respond proactively to your offers. Luckily, PostGrid’s API integrations make it possible to send eye-catching and result-driving mail pieces from your CRM.

Hence, you can conduct multichannel campaigns painlessly.

address verification validation

Why Is Direct Mail the Best Marketing Agency Service and How to Use It?

Direct mail marketing is among the top marketing agency services because

  • It is traditional: People know about snail mail and appreciate getting letters or parcels in their mailbox. It gives them a break from the digital world with a tangible item they can save and share with others. 
  • It is long-lasting: Customers may view your social media ads or emails briefly. It is hard to find channels to engage your audience for an extended period—to improve brand recognition and response ratios. Some direct mail items stay in a household for days, maximizing brand exposure. 
  • It is personal: Establishing emotional connections with your customers can help you get repeat business and referrals for years. Direct mail is the most effective marketing agency service because it lets you fulfil this goal. It bonds your company with its audience with 1:1 personal and memorable communications!
  • It is result-driving: Many believe direct mail helps companies boost brand awareness. But, in reality, it also drives high conversions. You may entice the recipients with compelling offers and CTAs. A full-service marketing agency can use PostGrid’s direct mail API to launch successful mailing campaigns that produce genuine leads and increase profits. 

Mailing quality items to customers can be challenging and expensive. It makes many businesses step away from the idea and pursue online marketing agency services like email.

The good news is that you can automate your print and mail campaigns. 

PostGrid’s direct mail automation services offer all-in-one features. You can outsource every mail-related task and save time and money. 

Using PostGrid for your marketing agency services also improves your company’s internal efficiency. It completes all activities online on your behalf and ensures better results.

You may send different direct mail types, like

  • Postcards: Use marketing postcards to grab your audience’s attention and motivate them to complete the CTA. They come in many sizes, helping you customize your mailers and make them look unique. 
  • Letters: You may use letters when you need more space to explain your products or services. They offer scope for personalization and brand-building, making letter marketing one of the most effective marketing firm services for businesses. 
  • Newsletters: Educate customers on different industry-related subjects and showcase expertise. You can add your company’s accomplishments, new products, recent partnerships, and more details to make your newsletters stand out!

The Process of Selecting the Ideal Marketing Agency Services

Businesses need a comprehensive plan to pick the best marketing agency services for growth and customer acquisition. This plan outlines everything from the advertising channels and budget to the content and target audience.

Here is how the process works:

Step 1: Research

A full-service marketing agency researches your company’s history, primary business locations, industry, and competitors. It learns your vision and needs to create a well-tailored adverting plan.

Some firms also make a content calendar to highlight what they have planned for your company for the upcoming year.

Step 2: Decide

You may meet with the agency’s marketing representative to decide which marketing firm services can work well. This decision is critical to your business’s growth because you invest your time and money in them.

Step 3: Launch

The launching phase is one of the most crucial steps in the marketing plan. A full-service marketing agency sets the platforms or systems to execute your campaigns on specific days. You can sit back and wait to see your audience’s engagement levels.

PostGrid’s direct mail services help you place your orders online. You can use our professionally-built templates to design your artwork. Also, our template editor lets you customize it with your brand logo and other elements.

Then, PostGrid’s reputed printing network produces your items (for any volume you want) in only two business days.

Step 4: Report

Checking your campaign results and creating analytical reports allow you to

  • Learn whether the marketing agency services worked.
  • Calculate the ROI to see whether your investment was worth it.
  • Understand your customers’ reactions to specific campaigns.
  • Know the negatives of the marketing firm services and work to improve them.

PostGrd’s automated direct mail solutions let you know your campaign progress in real-time.

You may log into your account and quickly view the response rates and other insights.

Benefits of Using Marketing Agency Services to Promote Your Brand

A full-service marketing agency makes your advertising tasks easier and better. It takes the workload off your shoulders and boosts your revenue.

  • Fresh ideas: Many companies outsource to marketing firms to get new campaign ideas and methods. They want to try something unique to leave behind their competitors and increase brand awareness. Also, agencies work with multiple industries. So they have more knowledge of what works best in a specific sector and how the audience reacts to marketing programs.
  • Latest technologies: Your marketing agency services should use the latest tools and tech features to grow sales. An agency allows you to benefit from high-tech systems without changing anything in-house or investing in them.
  • Cost-effective solutions: In-house marketing is expensive because you may hire skilled professionals for every campaign (direct mail, social media, etc.). Also, you must invest in paid ads, resources, and marketing platforms. A full-service marketing agency lets you launch omnichannel campaigns without contacting a dozen vendors. You get all the solutions under one roof—simplifying the task and saving money. 
  • Scalable marketing agency services: Companies can scale up and down hassle-free when they use marketing firm services for promotions and branding. For example, PostGrid’s direct mail API lets them place orders for one or a million items using the same process. All the client does is- click a few buttons to place orders. 
  • Track results: Marketing agencies enable you to track campaign results with custom links, QR codes, and contact numbers. You can create unique elements for every campaign to identify individual respondents and follow up with them. It is the best way to push prospects ahead of their customer journey and convert them faster. 

PostGrid's Direct Mail Automation Services to Increase Sales and Retain Customers

We already discussed how direct mail lets businesses get closer to their prospects.

Direct mail automation makes executing your marketing firm services quick and easy. It lets you get the results without doing anything in-house.

You can integrate our API into your marketing agency service CRM or download our software! The API integrations let you print and ship mailers without installing anything or changing your workflow.

PostGrid’s variable data printing capabilities let you create and send tailored mail items. They increase your chances of grabbing readers’ attention and motivating them to engage with your offers.

The software version is more apt for bulk mailing orders where you want to launch a large-scale campaign to re-engage past customers. But please note that all deployment options offer similar features. So you can select between using the API, dashboard, or software based on your preference.

A full-service marketing agency can use our print and mail API to provide clients with end-to-end mailing. We assist our clients during every step, like

  • Creating a tailored mail design
  • Compiling a targeted mailing list
  • Printing the mailers in high quality
  • Presorting mail items
  • Affixing postage
  • Carrying the items to the Post Office, and
  • Checking the delivery statuses

One of our clients integrated our direct mail API into its CRM to launch a promotional campaign. The challenge was personalizing every item with the recipient’s name and a custom map. This map guided the customers from their doorsteps to the nearest store.

PostGrid added value to its marketing agency services by letting them outsource the entire program.

The client used our API to add the variable data to the mailers in only a few minutes. We ensured the company accessed our PDN (print and delivery network) to prepare and ship high-resolution mailers with a clear message.

The result was phenomenal! Our client received a conversion rate of 20%—12% more than expected.

Do you want to discuss your needs with us and automate your mailing campaigns? Sign up to learn more about marketing agency services and direct mail automation!

direct print and mail api

The post Marketing Agency Services appeared first on PostGrid.



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